The laser generates an intense, very narrow beam of light that is being harnessed for science, technology and medicine. Theodore Mainman was the man that made the first laser operate, and he did it on the 16th of May in 1960. He made it operate at the Hughes Research labarotory in Calafornia, by shining a high power flash lamp on a ruby rod with silver coated surfaces.The Hughes Labaratory made the first public announcement In July. Later on, scientists began to make even more kinds of lasers, including the Semiconductor Laser, which does things like scanning barcodes at supermarkets. There is also a kind of so-called "edible laser", which uses a kind of flavored gelatin, but it isn't abled to be eaten because of the dye used to colour it. One more kind of laser is also called the "drinkable laser", because it uses a generous amount of alchoholic properties. In the modern times, lasers have been made to perfection, and are commonly used in surgery or science experiments.
With your interest in science you might like to watch these YouTube clips about physics that I discovered last night. They are really entertaining and fascinating. I don't know if there is one on lasers, probably, but this one is on 'What if there was a hole through the centre of the earth?'
I hope you enjoy it like I did. It is pretty mind blowing stuff!
Wow, sounds like fun, thanks!
DeleteJosh K.