Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Aibo the Robot Dog

Aibo stands for Artificial Intelligence Robot. He is a 25-cm toy robot made by the Sony Corporation in Japan, and was made to act like a dog. When you first start him off, he acts like a puppy, and goes around exploring.

There are lots of other companies competing to create robotic pets, such as the robot dog Genibo QD, made by the Korean company Dasatech. QD greatly resembles Aibo. He was made to resemble a bull terrier. Genibo can share emotions with his owner, and he uses a camera and sensors to 'see'.

When his battery is low, he finds the nearest electricity outlet and ‘sleeps' while his battery is charging. It learns to recognise it’s owner, like a real dog would, and even starts to learn commands, like ‘sit’, and ‘roll over’. It acts like it is happy when you play with it, and acts sad and whimpers when there is no-one to play with. 

 Aibo can also learn to do things that normally dogs wouldn't be able to, like dance in time to music, and play soccer.

It is slightly bad that Aibo has been created, because as he gets cheaper and gains more popularity (as he almost certainly will), people will want to buy him instead of buying a real dog. Maybe people will even stop buying real dogs at all eventually, and what a real dog would do could be forgotten.

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